Re: Why are Caucasians Vanishing in TV Commercials? – American Thinker

Well, the author has a point but I posit he’s more wrong than right.

I’ve been thinking about this alot lately, mainly when I’m grinding my teeth over it.

Methinks the primary purpose for this overt shift is since the societal power transfer from the essentially dead WASP culture over to the Judaics is now essentially complete, this recent phenomenon is simply to rub our face in it, somewhat like tearing down statues and such but far more pervasive and, ahem, “in your face”. We’re being erased and sure, the “Woke” aspect is most certainly there but more importantly, whose doing the electronic erasing? It’s not some out-of-control bunch of disaffected college brats combined with Antifa and BLM crazies.

It’s the people who can afford to do it because at this point a slight loss in revenues doesn’t really matter to them at all. It requires power and money. Vanguard and Blackrock (tribe owned 100%) essentially own everything (stock majorities in every corporation that matters) and the cretins on the various boards of directors are also, by design, mainly from the same tribe. Direction comes from Directors. Moreover, the outfits that produce the commercials are also of the same tribe, that hardly an unknown fact. They’re following direction, joyously. It’s one big happy family finally getting to put the financial and psycho-social screws to their nemesis since biblical times. That lousy rock band “Esau and the Edomites” are finally running the show and they are grinding their boots in the face of Jacob’s descendants.

As you can plainly see, “Normal” isn’t coming back and “Losing isn’t any fun”.

Author: Editor

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