
Psychotic Trudeau Regime Hits Back At Trucker Protests By Announcing Plans For EVEN HARSHER COVID ‘Mandates’ Up here in Canada, the massive Freedom Convoy protest rally that is still alive and well and living out in Ottawa Ontario continues…. And…

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COVID-19: A Second Opinion Ron Johnson U.S. Senator for Wisconsin

On Jan. 24, Sen. Johnson held his second panel discussion on COVID-19 with world renowned doctors and medical experts who provided a different perspective on the global pandemic response. The roundtable, COVID-19: A Second Opinion, discusses the current state of…

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Freedom Convoy

I have continued to get messages and have watched several videos earlier today, in between working on clearing out my locker, desk, etc as this is my last day of employment… And thus as I said in a previous post…

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Virginia Democrats Fight to Hide Sexually Explicit School Materials from Parents

Virginia Democrats are fighting not only to keep sexually explicit materials in public schools but also to kill a bill that would require school boards to notify parents of sexually explicit materials being introduced. Maintaining the ideology behind former Democrat…

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White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki suggested Americans “have a margarita” to cope with frustrations over the Biden administration’s repeated policy failures.

“The path forward is we have to keep fighting,” Psaki responded to guest co-host Linsey Davis.  “I think this week has been frustrating, devastating, angering, all of those things. There are so many activists across this country who have been…

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Re: Why are Caucasians Vanishing in TV Commercials? – American Thinker

Well, the author has a point but I posit he’s more wrong than right. I’ve been thinking about this alot lately, mainly when I’m grinding my teeth over it. Methinks the primary purpose for this overt shift is since the…

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