Category: Uncategorized

Truckers Forever! by Jon Rappoport February 9, 2022 The Canadian convoy of many, many trucks, now in Ottawa, and the many, many people supporting it, can’t be written off as some strange breakout group. This is a popular movement. A wave….

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Psychotic Trudeau Regime Hits Back At Trucker Protests By Announcing Plans For EVEN HARSHER COVID ‘Mandates’ Up here in Canada, the massive Freedom Convoy protest rally that is still alive and well and living out in Ottawa Ontario continues…. And…

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COVID-19: A Second Opinion Ron Johnson U.S. Senator for Wisconsin

On Jan. 24, Sen. Johnson held his second panel discussion on COVID-19 with world renowned doctors and medical experts who provided a different perspective on the global pandemic response. The roundtable, COVID-19: A Second Opinion, discusses the current state of…

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Freedom Convoy

I have continued to get messages and have watched several videos earlier today, in between working on clearing out my locker, desk, etc as this is my last day of employment… And thus as I said in a previous post…

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