Exposing the Lib-TARD Left

Article 4005

The Lib-TARD Left


“In peace, there’s nothing so becomes a man, as modesty and humility.

But when the blast of war blows in your ears, 

then imitate the action of the tiger:

stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood, 

disguise fair nature with a hard, favored rage.”

Jesse Watters exposing the demon-possessed insaniacs, the devil’s cursed spawn.

The Rant:

The left is composed entirely of insane demon-RATS and two-fold more sons of hell, as Satan’s children openly display their toxic fruits of death worship, greed idolatry, deception, and destruction, for they are the destroyers, aka the synagogue of Satan.

Reference the legacy, antichrist, Marxist media lying talking heads of the synagogue of Satan; Rachael MAD-COW Maddow, Joy (Need a haircut) Reid, Ted Koppel, Lester Holt, David Muir, and all the other TV clowns, ghouls, workers of iniquity, peddlers of darkness and deception, doubly dead, infidels of sheol.

Thank God, the sheeple are awakening from their boob-tube addiction slumber stupor of the MSM 6 o’clock snooze news reported by the creatures of instinct.

Trump has closed the open border invasion, exposed the criminal waste, fraud, abuse, and corruption of leviathan government and the destructive forces of darkness entrenched in the devil’s DEEP STATE, ending the money laundering Ukraine War abomination and slaughter of millions under Satanist Zelenskyy, exposing the EU globalist N-W-O clowns, communists, and ghouls of globalism.

Criminal, Marxist ideology, antichrist judges fight back for their god Satan, with DOJ lawless, lawfare, warfare litigation corruption rulings, as they work to preserve and protect blatant, evil corruption of the globalist world domination forces of darkness for their father the devil and his queendom, loaded with homosexuals, pedophiles, and money hungry false prophets.

Ephesians 5:11. Ecclesiastes 8:11. John 8:44. John 10:10.

As Christian warriors, we are admonished not to fret over evil doers, but rather work to expose them and their evil deeds to the bright Light of righteousness. Tar and feather them and ride them out of town on a rail.

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.”

All the judaized, ear-tickling churches remain mute for fear of losing their tax-exemption status. Worthless, evil false prophets leading the sheeple astray. “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

Dessert, Matriarchal play churches are an abomination in the eyes of the Lord. “Depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness, for I never knew you.” Repent or perish, America, for the time has come for real men everywhere to step up to the line!

Author: Editor

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