S; Has Left the Country
Hal Turner World December 08, 2024 Hits: 12450

The Russian Foreign Ministry announced that President Bashar Assad of Syria has stepped down as Syria’s president and left the country after issuing instructions for a peaceful transition of power.
Moscow stated it was not involved in the negotiations leading to his decision and called on all parties in Syria to avoid violence and pursue a political resolution.
Russia confirmed its military bases in Syria are on high alert but reported no immediate threats.
This comes after the Terrorist organization known as HTS took-up arms and began attacking major cities in Syria. They were joined by the Syrian Defense Force (SDF) – a rag-tag group of radicals supported and supplied by the West. HTS and SDF were also joined by another group of violent whack-jobs, calling themselves the Free Syrian Army (FSA).
HTS is the successor group to the Al-Nusra Front, part of the head-chopping-maniacs of “ISIS” known as Islamic States of Iraq and Syria, which, as most folks know, were also head-choppers, and part of the Al-Qaida terrorist group, which, along with Osama Bin Laden, was blamed for the attacks of 9-11 here in the United States.
Just days ago, when HTS began its assault against Syria, a particular incident took place that signaled who – precisely – is behind this entire debacle.
Cell phones, walkie-talkies, and pocket pagers of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) began EXPLODING throughout Syria. The SAA was thus hobbled at the very critical start of the HTS operations.

Through these explosions against the Syrian Arab Army, Israel tipped it’s hand! THEY are the ones involved with this HTS terror group, attacking Syria.

The SAA is the legitimate, duly-constituted standing Army of the country of Syria. So when their cell phones, walkie-talkies, and pocket pagers began exploding, it tipped the hand of those who are actually behind this affair: Israel.
Readers will recall that Israel perpetrated the same action against Hezballah in Lebanon at the start of the Israeli incursion into that country, with so many pocket pagers, cell-phones, and walkie-talkies exploding, that literally thousands of Hezballah forces were crippled or killed.
So Israel is directly involved with the terror group HTS as evidenced by the explosions that struck the Syrian Arab Army.
Now, follow this chain:
HTS was part of ISIS which was sometimes called ISIL (Islamic States of Iraq and the Levant). The map below shows ISIL at it’s peak dominance in 2015, throughout the Middle East:

What was the ONE country in the Middle East that ISIS ____NEVER___ attacked?
In fact, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was actually photographed visiting an ISIS fighter being treated in an Israeli hospital! ! ! ! Here is that photo:

Why would an Israeli hospital be treating a wounded ISIS fighter from Syria????????
Why would the Israeli Prime Minister visit a wounded ISIS fighter in the hospital?????
Maybe because Israel was, in fact, ISIS?
There were long running jokes that “ISIS” actually stood for “Israeli Secret Intelligence Service.” Maybe those jokes were true?
So we know that HTS was ISIS/ISIL.
We know ISIS fighters never attacked Israel and were treated in Israeli hospitals for war wounds.
We know the Israeli Prime Minister visited those fighters in Israeli hospitals.
We also know that prior to becoming “ISIS” these people were . . . . . .”Al Qaida.”
Who got blamed for the attacks of September 11 here in the United States? Osama Bin Laden and his group: al-Qaida!
Now refresh your memory:
Who was it that was seen cheering and celebrating in Liberty State Park, in Jersey City, NJ, when the planes hit the World Trade Center in New York City, across the Hudson River from that Park? Israelis from a company named Urban Moving Systems of Weehawkin, NJ.
Later that day, when the white moving van they were seen in, was stopped by Police, these Israelis were taken into custody. Weeks later, it came out they worked with Israeli Mossad.
Why would Israeli Mossad operatives be cheering the planes flying into the World Trade Center?
Maybe because “al-Qaida” was, in fact, Israel?
This isn’t rocket science. The pieces all fit. You can connect the dots! All the terrorism the world has seen since the attacks of 9-11, traces directly back to Israel.
From today in Syria with the resignation of President Bashar Assad, to the walkie-talkies exploding against the Syrian Arab Army, which was being attacked by HTS, and HTS being formerly ISIS, and ISIS being formerly al-Qaida, everything having to do with Terrorism, from the attacks of 9-11, to the initial “Civil War” in Syria beginning in 2011, to the present day overthrow of Syria’s government, is all demonstrably connected to Israel.
For what it’s worth, all three airports in the United States, from which the “terrorists” hijacked planes used in the attacks of 9-11, had security contracts with a company named ICTS. Israeli Counter-Terrorism Services.
THAT was how the hijackers of 9-11 gained access to the four planes they used to attack the United States on that fateful day. Israeli Counter-Terrorism Services was right in the middle of it.
Violence Solves Everything
The takeaway from today’s resignation of Syrian President Bashar Assad is that force and violence actually work when it comes to effectuating political change. If you attack enough things, and kill enough people, you get to overthrow a government and seize power.
People who say “Violence never solves anything” are flatly wrong. It turns out that violence solves everything. Today is proof.
Back in 2011, when the first outbreak of terrorist violence and “Civil War” broke out in Syria, that entire effort was prompted because Syrian President Bashar Assad refused to grant permission for a natural gas pipeline to run from Qatar through Syria, out into the Mediterranean Sea, toward Greece.
The image below shows the two competing proposals for natural gas pipelines. One, from Qatar to Europe, would enrich Qatar, which is favorable to the West. The other would be from Iran which is NOT favorable to the west. Both would have to run partially through Syria:

That pipeline was designed to provide natural gas to Europe instead of Europe having to rely on Russian gas. Even back in 2011, the effort to harm Russia was underway here in the United States, and it was while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, that all the Syria violence broke out.
President Assad had no sooner refused permission for the Qatar pipeline, than a gigantic media blitz began saying Assad was a vicious dictator, who murdered his own people, etc. etc. etc.
That’s when all these groups, The Free Syrian Army (FSA), the Syrian Defense Force (SDF), et. al., began cropping-up. Amazingly, they all had brand new Toyota pick-up trucks, Meals-Ready-to-Eat, fuel, guns, rocket-launchers, ammunition and so forth.
It was clear the groups trying to overthrow Assad back then, were being equipped and financed by the USA and countries in the Middle East, all of whom had something to gain from the proposed Natural Gas Pipeline to Europe, that COULD NOT run through Syria.
From 2011 through September, 2015, Syria fought ISIS and other terror groups. As events went bad for Syria back in 2015, they appealed to their ally, Russia, for help. Assad went to Russian President Putin and told him “They wanted to build a natural gas pipeline through Syria to Europe, for the express purpose of cutting off Russia supplying gas to Europe. I stopped that so as to protect Russia gas sales. Now I need your help to stop the people trying to overthrow me.”
On 30 September 2015, Russia agreed to enter the conflict to protect Syria, and did so. Within months, ISIS, the SDF, the FSA were all bombed into oblivion by Russian Aerospace Forces. The Syrian government regained control of their country.
Toward the end of the Russian work, all the bad guys who had tried to overthrow Assad, were cornered in a city named Idlib in Syria.
It was then that Turkey, the UK and other nations told Russia “Please don’t smash Idlib – OUR PEOPLE are there! We’ll get them out. We just need time.”
Russia agreed. The Russian military action ceased over Idlib.
But as we can see now, those assurances from the West were lies. They didn’t evacuate their people. The only thing the west __really__ did was to covertly arm their people in Idlib, and rebuild their forces, which allowed them to once again move against Assad starting about two weeks ago.
Only this time, the bad guys moved so fast, and with such force, they overwhelmed both Syria and Russia. As such, today, Assad fell.
Look for a natural gas pipeline from Qatar, to now be built through Syria. When it happens – and it will – you’ll finally realize what this whole thing was really about. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ . . . and weakening Russia by usurping their natural gas sales to Europe.
With Hamas in Gaza wrecked, and Hezballah in Lebanon neutered – at least for the time being, I assess in my personal opinion that Iran is next.
Hamas is gone. Hezballah is neutered and now Syria has fallen. Iran’s leverage against Israel is now all but non-existent.
How big an effort would it be for the West to begin paying Head-choppers in Iraq and Afghanistan, the turn against Iran?
The West has already been working to overthrow Russian influence in the country of Georgia, to Iran’s north. The Israelis’ have bought-off Azerbaijan to Iran’s north. Armenia to Iran’s north is all but crushed by Azerbaijan, so Iran’s north is now vulnerable.
If they recruit the head-choppers in Iraq, Iran’s west will be vulnerable. If they make nice with the Taliban in Afghanistan, Iran’s east will be vulnerable.
Saudi Arabia is already in the West’s corner, so much so that the US already has military bases across the Gulf along Iran’s western Border.
So Iran is being made vulnerable from its north, will be made vulnerable in a huge way from its west, and if the Taliban climbs aboard the West’s terrorism train, Iran’s east will be vulnerable.
See where this is going?
Iran has a chance to nip this in the bud with its rightful and lawful right to retaliate against Israel for Israeli attacks upon Iran over a month ago.
If Iran wants to assure its future existence, then Iran’s response to Israel must be completely, totally, overwhelming. It must be utterly horrifying in it’s effectiveness.
If Iran does nothing, or makes some “token” retaliation, Iran will seal its own fate.
Not today, but a couple years from now.
The clock is ticking.
A reader of this site, and listener to my radio show, “DH in Oklahoma,” just raised a point that is crucial, and which I never even thought of:
By failing or refusing to protect Syria, Russia has just smashed their BRICS trade organization.
No one is going to want to join BRICS if Russia cannot or will not protect them from Western-run Jihadists.
The West can do to ALL BRICS nations what they just did to Syria. No one is going to want to risk that.
The fall of Syria may very well turn out to be the fall of BRICS. Unless Russia changes its mind, and goes balls-to-wall in Syria and in Ukraine.
Unless Russia finishes-off these two problems, their hope for BRICS may have died with the resignation of Bashar Assad.
Want proof? Here is how Google reports the Syria Overthrow fight as of 10:13 AM EST TODAY: