More people than perhaps even realize it themselves are being experimented on as part of what they call “modern medicine.” And in a new article, author Roman Bystrianyk unpacks the sordid history of Stanley “Godfather of Vaccines” Plotkin, a renowned physician who admitted that the sick, orphans, the mentally handicapped, and babies of imprisoned mothers have all been experimented on throughout history in order to create new vaccines.
Back in the 1960s when he was completing a pediatric residency in London, Plotkin observed while at the Hospital for Sick Children (now known as the Great Ormond Street Hospital) and admitted to such in a 2018 court case that society’s most vulnerable were being preyed upon so Big Pharma could develop new high-profit injectable drugs for the masses.
An American physician, Plotkin in his now-“retirement” works as a consultant for the “big four” vaccine manufacturers. He also consults with biotechnology firms, non-profit organizations and governments about how to push more vaccines on people.
When asked about his infamous “Godfather of Vaccines” nickname, Plotkin said he does not necessarily prefer the name, but if people want to call him that then they can.
“I think it’s ambiguous since the Godfather was a criminal,” Plotkin retorted. “I wouldn’t [call myself that], but obviously I can’t stop others.”
(Related: Remember when Ivanka Trump admitted that her father, who repeatedly referred to himself as the “father of the vaccine” during COVID, partnered with Moderna to produce mRNA injections before the launch of Operation Warp Speed?)
DTP vaccines linked to 10-fold increase in death
Plotkin is an important figure in the vaccine industry, even if his name does not ring a bell in your mind. He is one of the first people that the world’s movers and shakers went to after the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) appeared out of nowhere to consult with him about how mRNA (modRNA) injections should be marketed.
“The medical establishment sees you as part of an unending experiment, a subject for trial in an array of medications and vaccines – without ever being fully informed of the potential dangers,” Bystrianyk wrote. “You likely trust that these products are meticulously tested, believing corporations and governments would never risk your well-being. But history tells a different story.”
One of the primary examples Bystrianyk provides in his piece is the combination DTP (diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis) vaccine, which has been in use since the late 1940s in the United States and since around 1957 in England.
The DTP shot was problematic from the very beginning, Bystrianyk says. In the 1940s, twin boys died after receiving their second injection of the multivalent vaccine. The DTP shot was also discovered to cause brain damage, seizures and other problems in tests.
“The 1985 IOM [Institute of Medicine] report of the US National Academy of Sciences reported on the problem of adverse reactions to the whole-cell pertussis vaccine,” Bystrianyk writes.
“The panel estimated that 17,994,600 doses of whole-cell vaccine were given each year. The result was 7,197,840 cases of minor reactions, 10,283 convulsions, 164 cases of encephalitis and 58 cases of chronic disability, with costs running into the millions. The panel also estimated that the whole-cell DTP caused two to four deaths per year.”
In that same 2018 testimony in a Michigan court, Plotkin admitted that deadly DTP injections had been given to vulnerable people groups all throughout Latin America and Africa as part of Big Pharma clinical trials. This was done despite the fact that the shots were linked to a 10-fold increased death rate among those who took it.
“I wonder how much of my recurring ear infections and other childhood illnesses were caused by their so-called ‘vaccines,'” one commenter wrote, lamenting the vaccine damage that he received as a child.
“It’s hard to tell since they poisoned almost everyone and sick children became the new normal. But they are not going to continue this crap on me as an adult.”
More of the latest news about the deadly history of vaccines can be found at BadMedicine.news.
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