UPDATED: August 18th, 2023 – Folks, I’ve updated my past three posts because IMO they have now become a valuable archive of what has transpired this summer 2023 with what I believe is a coordinated attack by the Glob-arsonists to destroy targeted valuable real estate as a fear mongering tool to force humanity off the prime lands and into 24/7/365 urban gulags…as they have publicly set out in their Agenda 2030 plans.
Last night we heard and watched as the attacks spread to Kelowna, BC a middle size city in the British Columbian interior. Kelowna is located on picturesque Okanagan Lake. Retirees have been going there for decades to enjoy their “golden years” in many exclusive lake front. residential communities. In the past few years Kelowna has experienced a building boom due to the fact it was one of the few remaining affordable communities in BC. New developments and new schools and shopping/service amenities have sprung up on the West Side of Kelowna. That is where the catastrophic “wild” fires has struck. See below:
Posted August 19, 2023 on X
Replying to @TheophanesRex
“I live in Kelowna. This fire began Tuesday and there was not a water bomber anywhere even by Thursday and by Thursday evening the fire was out of control. Bureaucrats should lose their jobs and politicians should be sued into bankruptcy. I am sick of gov’t incompetence.”
Greencrow continues: I have been in Kelowna many times in the summer. It has always been hot as Hades there in July and August. Forest fires have always been a concern. This fire currently threatening the entire city is, however, historically unprecedented. The winds blowing the fire from the lake are unprecedented. This kind of major evacuation is unprecedented. That’s ALL I’m saying at this stage. It does seem quite a coinkydink that there would be so many catastrophic fires in the WEST at this point in history after the perpZ threatened us with a “boiling” summer. What inside intelligence did they have? Stay tuned.
FROM LAST NIGHT: Good evening readers…this is the third part [so far] of my coverage of the pivotal event now known as the Lahaina DEW attack.
You can find Part One HERE and Part Two HERE
As you saw above, I’ve coined a new word for the evil ones who are bringing this agenda down on humanity. I’m calling them the Glob-arsonists. Arson seems to be their most direct and obvious method of attack. Of course, sentients are aware of all the other ways they’ve been attacking and sabotaging their own species for years…government corruption and treason, False Flag attacks of all sorts….perpetual wars for resources. Cultural destruction and moral perversion just to name some.
Below I have linked several more reports gathered in the past 24 hours. Please review and share. We all as sentients on this earth have a responsibility to try and wake up the normies. It is risky, frustrating and depressing I know…but now…with this obvious evidence of a DEW attack on an innocent community…we have a tool at hand to prod our somnolent brethren into awareness.
We should not rest under the mistaken impression that it cannot happen in our own communities. Just last night, someone tried to set fire to the Malahat. Two stories I’ve heard about the source of four brush fires that were set around 5 pm yesterday are: Told by a neighbour that a truck was seen dragging a chain along the Malahat highway that sent sparks flying into the brush. Another neighbour said he heard on the radio that someone was driving along the highway with a flame thrower shooting flames into the bush. Whatever the scenario, the narrow winding highway was closed in both directions for hours. This is a major Vancouver Island traffic artery. The despicable entity knew what he was doing!

Above pictured is an example of the plane likely used in the attack on Lahaina.