(Natural News) On Friday the 13th of January, the Biden regime finalized its pistol ban rule, which threatens to outlaw up to 40 million pistols with attached “stabilizing braces.”
The executive action will force legal firearms owners to either rebuild their weapons on their own dime or destroy them – or else face up to 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.
The “Guns & Gadgets” YouTube channel put out a video about this fatal flaw in the new rule, which forces American gun owners to tell the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) about their pistols in seeking approval for them. If the background check is delayed by any more than 88 days, then the applicant is deemed a criminal and the ATF can step in for enforcement action.
You can watch the video below to learn more about the hidden trap in Biden’s new pistol brace rule, which threatens to incriminate millions of law-abiding American citizens:
Call your representatives and demand that the Congressional Review Act (CRA) be used to stop this assault on the Second Amendment
Even though the Biden regime just secured a 51-seat majority in the Senate, that does not mean that nothing can be done about this affront to gun rights in America.
All it takes to force a Congressional Review Act (CRA) vote to pass a Joint Resolution of Disapproval to repeal Biden’s unconstitutional executive action is for 30 senators to force that vote.
This is a serious issue that, if allowed to persist, will criminalize millions of law-abiding Americans who own pistols that, under the new rule, are now banned.
Gun Owners of America (GOA) is encouraging its members and gun supporters everywhere to contact Congress and the ATF and demand action on this matter to preserve Americans’ right to bear arms.
The previous Congress, thankfully, already introduced the Stop Harassing Owners of Rifles Today (SHORT) Act, which would remove the unconstitutional taxation, registration, and regulation of the National Firearms Act of Short Barreled Rifles, Short Barreled Shotguns, and any other firearms classified under “Any Other Weapons.”
What needs to happen now is for Congress to vote yes on the SHORT Act, as it will soon be reintroduced by the new Congress. Fake president Joe Biden could still veto both the SHORT Act and the CRA were they to be passed, but GOA hopes to combat that by convincing Congress to cut the ATF’s funding in the event that this all happens.
“Now that the Speaker’s gavel has been taken out of Pelosi’s hands, the new House majority (had) better make true on its promises to gun owners by using the Power of the Purse to slash the ATF’s funding,” GOA says.
“The ATF reportedly processed 512,315 NFA forms in 2020 … At that rate – assuming no further backlog and assuming all affected gun owners comply with gun registration – it would take the ATF over 78 years to process all the pistol registration forms required by this executive action.”
“That’s why it’s especially critical to SLASH the ATF’s funds right now and strip them of their ability to enforce Biden’s pistol ban.”
Take some time to watch the video above to learn more about the importance of stopping this executive action, and be sure to share this information with others so they, too, can join the fight in protecting the Second Amendment.
As one commenter wrote about this situation:
“When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.”
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