I have continued to get messages and have watched several videos earlier today, in between working on clearing out my locker, desk, etc as this is my last day of employment… And thus as I said in a previous post I am a bit ‘delayed’ in getting this update out.. But better late than never..
OK, The main convoy that was gathered since last night around Sault Ste Marie, started off its trek eastward along Trans Canada Highway 17 and has now moved towards AND finally beyond North Bay Ontario… This, the MAIN convoy that now consists of some 20000+ trucks and support vehicles has been estimated at least to be now 100+ Kilometres long as it did indeed pick up some more support from US truckers that crossed over the International Bridge at ‘the Soo’ to join this fighting force for freedom…..
And so far, in spite of the warnings of shenanigans from the criminal Canadian ‘Federal Government’ everything is moving forward even though apparently, and according to the following link from the Pembroke Observer online, at http://www.pembrokeobserver.com, the plans for the trucks to reach Pembroke, which is barely 100 Km west of Ottawa itself along the Ottawa River valley, has been ‘delayed about 2 hours’ … Here is the link here:
OK, Once the trucks do get to Pembroke hopefully tonight, they will be making their final ‘pit stop’, rest break, and final preparations for the last major trek tomorrow morning directly into Ottawa…. I will indeed be watching and reporting as much as I can once that final journey is underway and accomplished..
I am still waiting for ANYONE on that main convoy approaching Pembroke to please post up a video so that I can share it with readers… IF that does happen, then I will update this article accordingly..
And about the other two major convoys, being the ones from Toronto from the southwest and of course the one coming into Ottawa from the north east as it moves through Quebec? The last alerts that I received are that the southern convoy is indeed moving along Ontario highway 401 and the major part of that convoy has passed Cornwall Ontario and should be approaching the ‘King’s Highway’ 416 which will lead this part of the huge convoy directly into southwestern Ottawa…. There has been NO major issues in terms of trouble caused by the criminal Canadian government in terms of this convoy’s movement, and in spite of a few delays much like the main western convoy, it should be able to be in Ottawa by early tomorrow morning as well….
The other part of this massive Canadian convoy, the once coming in from the Maritimes, is according to the last reports that I have received somewhere between Trois Rivieres and Montreal, and is continuing its movement southwesterly towards Ottawa…. This one has also had just a few delays and is expected to be joining the other two major convoys in Ottawa tomorrow morning as well….
The target for all of these MASSIVE movements of trucks will be Parliament Hill, and there is now expected to be as many as 1.5 MILLION people and as many as 60000 trucks at the Canadian parliament tomorrow for the massive freedom rally starting at 1PM EST…. I will be watching for LIVE feeds online, and will file a few reports on this call for Canadian freedoms and ending the mandates as well…
And what about the criminal Canadian Federal Government’s response to this massive call or the ENDING of mandates for EVERYONE in this formerly free nation? I for one am not surprised at all as apparently the critters and scumbags in Parliament are ‘running scared’ as most have now vacated Parliament Hill and will be no where to be seen tomorrow.. This figures as Canadians will get ZERO support from the ‘government’ as ALL parties (other than the People’s Party of Canada that has no seat in Parliament of course..) are slamming and trying to stay far away from these ‘convoys’ as THEY were ALL in agreement in putting this nation into the horror show we have seen for the last two years with the entire scam-demic…
And what about the LYING WHORE MEDIA? Well, in spite of their constant lying about this convoy and still claiming that it is laughingly only about ‘1000 trucks and ‘fringe thinking drivers’, they have had to file reports on this massive convoy.. But of course they are still out there lying and trying to ‘spin’ this fight for freedom as ‘right wing nutcases’ and ‘lunatics’….
In fact, I want to present one such example of the ‘spin’ being perpetrated by the lying whore media outlets… This one is a report from the Canadian government’s own mouthpiece aka the ‘CBC’ out of Saskatoon Saskatchewan, that is trying to call these truck drivers and their convoys “illogical” as they falsely claim and try to spin that the truckers are ‘wrong’ for claiming that their freedoms are threatened by vaccine mandates (!?)…. Here is the link to that ludicrous report here:
I was sent that link earlier by a fellow Canadian truth seeker and he said it made him laugh… I also laughed as I thought “Seriously?” .. But as this garbage does come from the CBC garbage network, this is to me typical of their insanity and lies.. The idea that these ‘vaccine mandates’ have nothing to do with ‘freedom’ is so blatantly false and is indeed such a terrible lie from that crud network called the CBC, and it shows how LOW these liars are now going to try to slam this convoy for freedom.. I also notice that there is no ‘comment section’ at all for this laughable report, which figures as I would bet anything that every comment made to this garbage would slam this and the trolls out in Saskatoon that even attempted to write this filth.
And what about ‘THE TURD’ himself, Justin “I am a pedophile and a freak’ Trudeau, who has indeed gone into hiding over at his chalet in Quebec? Apparently, this little SOB is not saying anything at the moment, and for good reason as the more he opens his fat pathetic mouth about this freedom convoy, the more Canadians are joining in this fight and supporting this effort for our freedom and liberties. I say that this asshole should indeed keep away from Ottawa and hopefully forever, as the Canadian people have had ENOUGH of his crimes as we want our country back..
One other note here: The world is indeed watching and has FINALLY taken action in support of this freedom convoy in Canada, where nations across the world have now organized their own convoys for freedom.. Here in fact is a prime example from a video that just came out today from BITCHUTE that shows such a rally out in Europe: https://www.bitchute.com/embed/QJoBUrEQP5gt/?feature=oembed#?secret=x5op7QYX41
I will say IT IS ABOUT FUCKING TIME the rest of the world took notice… AND finally some are indeed following Canada’s lead and organizing their own massive truck convoys for freedom.
In fact, I got a few messages earlier that Europe is working on its own MASSIVE convoy that is being organized and will march on Brussels Belgium for this coming February 7th… If I do get some further updates about this latest ‘rally’ I will post that here for everyone to see…
And the real kicker? Apparently NOW the truck drivers in Australia are FINALLY waking up and after their own botched and horribly run ‘convoy’ attempt a few months back, they are apparently attempting to try again and they have Canada and our own brave truckers to thank for this newest attempt…
Yes, this is indeed a world wide movement and one that is a long time in coming… And once again we all can thank CANADA and our own brave Canadian truckers for leading the way… Freedom and liberty has never been a ‘given’ and has come over centuries through hard work and yes, a lot of blood shed… But it is always better to live in freedom than in tyranny and it is indeed WORTH THE EFFORT by EVERYONE!
More to come